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Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Angry and alive

'A surprising number of British people - especially the super-creepy British Jews who recently signed a treacherous letter to the press distancing themselves from Israel's actions - seem to think Israel should exist not as a real, imperfect country full of real, imperfect people led by real, imperfect leaders, but as some sort of collective kosher Mater Dolorosa, there to provide a selfless, suffering example to the rest of us.


'Personally, I'd far prefer the Jews to be angry, aggressive and alive than meek, mild and dead - and that's what makes me and a minority like me feel so much like strangers in our own country, now more than ever. I've always loved being a hack, but now even that feels weird, as though I'm living among a bunch of snatched-body zombies who look like journalists but believe and say the most inhuman, evil things.'

- Julie Burchill writing for Haaretz - read it all (via)

1 comment:

SnoopyTheGoon said...

Re these "super-creepy British Jews" - I must agree, unfortunately, Britain seems to be teeming with them lately. Too bad.