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Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Giles Fraser: I'm not an anti-Semite

I support the General Synod's call for disinvestment from companies like Caterpillar. Why? No, not because I am anti-Semitic. My very surname is a scar of that ancient evil. No, because I have sat with a mother and her children and heard her speak of what it is like to have 50 tons of bulldozer coming through her front room unannounced in the middle of the night.

The Synod acted in solidarity with the vulnerable. To call this anti-Semitism is facile nonsense.

- the Revd. Dr. Giles Fraser, writing in the Church Times

Dr. Fraser, I am very happy to accept that you are not an anti-Semite. Just to put the point beyond all possible doubt, will you show your solidarity with the vulnerable of Israel by putting on record your support for the security fence which protects mothers and children from terrorist bombs?

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